Balanced Scorecard
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Full BI Platform Case Study

Module: Full BI Platform

Provider Name: Valley Community Services
Annual Revenue:
Programs: IDD Residential & Services
Module: Full BI Platform

Single Source of Truth for Reporting

Eliminated Risk of Manual Errors

Faster Access to Data Insights

Balanced Scorecard Results


  • Data siloed in departments & disparate systems
  • Pandemic exacerbated culture of “informational siloing”
  • Manual efforts/errors in Excel reporting
  • Data often late for reporting dashboard
  • P&L statements require extensive research to analyze cash flow of homes
  • Need to become improved data-driven Provider to compete in value-based reimbursement


  • The BI Collaborative automated BI reporting & pulling data from disparate systems
  • Eliminated risk of manual errors
  • People at all levels have the tools they need to do their best
  • Stakeholders at all levels (DSP’s to Board Members) are more data savvy
  • Faster access to data insights through interactive, cloud-based dashboards
  • Balanced Scorecard became single source of truth for performance reporting

“Performance KPIs are readily accessible and easy to understand. Quality and compliance trends and financial insights coupled with operational, HR, job satisfaction and support intensity scales, give our leaders clearer pictures of performance and help them focus on staff retention…the number one issue in our industry. The BI Collaborative is the only vendor I’ve worked with where the sales team under promises and the operations team over delivers!”

G.N. Janes

CEO, Valley Community Services

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