Explore the Platform

Business Intelligence Software for Human Services Agencies

Every organization collects data. The BI Collaborative was founded to specifically help Human Services Agencies turn that data into actionable information to drive efficiencies, optimize quality, and drive cost and revenue improvements so you can spend less time working ON the data and more time working WITH the data. We help you be more Data-Driven.

Your Needs in Focus

Designed Specifically for Human Services Agencies

The BI Collaborative platform creates a performance “single source of truth” for providers organized in a Balanced Scorecard approach for both Senior Executive and Programmatic views.

Reporting Nightmares
True change and data-driven results start when Human Service Providers stop working ON the data and start working WITH the data.


    • Finance Module
    • Revenue Cycle Module
    • Cost Accounting Module
    • Utilization Module


    • Productivity & Overtime Module
    • Residential Occupancy Module
    • Census, Demographics & SIS Module
    • Program Performance Module
    • Fleet Management Module

Quality & Compliance

    • Incident Management Module
    • Citation Management Module
    • Health Tracking Module
    • Outcome Measures Module
    • HRST Module
    • Risk Stratification Module
    • Customer Satisfaction Module
    • Quality/Value-Based Module

HR & Training

    • HR & Staffing
    • Training & Certification Module
    • Recruiting & Onboarding
    • Self-Insured Module


    • Executive Leadership & Program, Summary Balance Scorecard Module
    • (Coming in 2024) Industry Comparative Module

Empowering Data-Driven Decision Making

Your roadmap to making better decisions with data starts here.

Bring Your Disparate Data Together

Transition your data from spreadsheets and disparate systems into interactive dashboards, detailed reports, and advanced analytics.

Automated Reporting & Analysis

Replace and automate the manual process of organizing, reporting, and analyzing data to get instant access to critical insights across your organization.

ROI -Eliminate Today’s Manual Efforts

Our module-based platform is easy and inexpensive to implement (we do 95% of the work) and shows incremental ROI at each deployment stage.

Not Just a Platform - A Partnership

We combine leading-edge business intelligence with culture-changing collaboration to create data-driven organizations.

According to research from Aberdeen, McKinsey & Forrester:

“Data-driven organizations are 30% more likely to reach their goals, 6% more profitable and have a 173% advantage in efficiently complying with regulations.”

Healthcare Industry Executive

Data at your Fingertips

Leverage Data to Address Daily Business Challenges

Run Quarterly Incident Management Report in 3 clicks

View financial performance trends and see variances by Program, Facility, Manager, etc.

Define Quality and know how you will be paid in Alternative Payment Models

Empower C-Suite, Middle Management & Frontline staff with a Decision Intelligence Platform

The Value of BI & Data Analytics

It is commonly said that “data is the new oil of the 21st century.”


According to Forrester, only 49% of all business decisions are made using quantitative information.


According to research from Gartner, 85% of executives have made it their “personal priority” to rely more on data & analytics for decision making.

Healthcare Providers rank #1 in increasing investments in Business Intelligence & Data Analytics.

The Results

Measuring the Impact of Our Business Intelligence Solutions

The platform eliminates manual efforts pulling, organizing and reporting data by middle and front-line managers, freeing up 30-50% of their time. How might that impact employee satisfaction and staffing issues?

Automate 90% of the data management process = save 1 to 4 full-time employees.


What are our clients and partners saying?